"Prelibata Stories" is born from the collaboration of Prelibata with Confartigianato, The Italian Community of Londonand Italian Food Blogger... read more
The olive tree groove is situated at an altitude of 135mt circa a.s.l., on a terraced slope facing the sea, totally immersed in a wild nature with no factories and surrounded by woods with a rich flora.
The Canaiellas particularly cultivate the TAGGIASCA monocultivar.
They apply cultivation methods of organic farming, according to the E.U. regulations.
For the parasites control, they don't use any pesticides or similar, and the flies get captured by coloured sticky traps. The ground is turfed, there's no use of any herbicides and the weed is cut and left over to decompose naturally.
So all this makes a high-quality olive oil with unique flavours, representing the traditional tastes of the rich region of Liguria.
This oil comes from the pressing of the olives Taggiasca, selected after being collected by hand using a special net to avoid them to touch the ground. The pressing happens on the same day of collection.