"Prelibata Stories" is born from the collaboration of Prelibata with Confartigianato, The Italian Community of Londonand Italian Food Blogger... read more
Land and sustainability are the first point of their production, focused on the natural seasonal products and short distribution system.
They have more than 100 specialities from jams, pickled vegetables (in vinegar and oil), spread creams, pates, sauces, juices and baked products. They are all available on sale at the shop in Alberobello or online at Prelibata.com website.
Their idea is to guide us to discovery the taste and tradition of Alberobello, starting from the countryside strong culture that can still teach both the producers and the consumers.
The story begins in the charming Alberobello, in the beautiful Itria Valley.
It all started from the passion of Vito and his family for the popular culture, in its whole expression. Since then, they have always been active in folklore groups of dances and music of Alberobello; and where there's music and dancing, there's also good food, prepared with home-made local products. So from there, the family-farm “Sapori dell'antica terra” became a reality, where daily the all family and co-workers put their passion and energy into cultivating and producing the Apulian products. “What we are not able to produce, is produced by our neighbour” tells Vito, when he explains the origin of his products.
In fact it's a hand-work farm, surrounded by the smells, the colors and the natural resources of the area; it transforms the seasonal products using old recipes and keeping the high standards of this ancient land. After the tradition, every operation is hand-made, so the fruit and vegetable are washed and transformed without using any machine, only manually.
So this is their strength: the accurate choice of the natural products, their origin from Vito's lands (they produce cherries, courgettes, aubergines, peppers, turnips, broad beans, chicories, blackberries, etc...) and if not from there, from their neighbour's land, as Vito explained.