"Prelibata Stories" is born from the collaboration of Prelibata with Confartigianato, The Italian Community of Londonand Italian Food Blogger... read more
SHIPPING: We usually take a few days off for shipment, days that are needed to get you home fresh. In fact, the products of our artisans do not contain any preservatives.
Oil 2014, obtained by blending the varieties Ogliarola and Leccino, typical in Murgia, seals the uniqueness of Intini's production. The product extracted by the olive flesh, through a method that eliminates the seed during the sqeezing process, is ideal for whom seeks a delicate, pure taste. It lasts longer than other oils and it's suggested for the younger ones. Aroma: light/medium fruity, with green aromas of almond and cut grass. Taste: very delicate and balanced with light spicy notes. Combinations: ideal for medium meals: starters and fish salads, shellfish first courses, steamed fish and grilled shellfish. |