"Prelibata Stories" is born from the collaboration of Prelibata with Confartigianato, The Italian Community of Londonand Italian Food Blogger... read more
SHIPPING: We usually take a few days off for shipment, days that are needed to get you home fresh. In fact, the products of our artisans do not contain any preservatives.
Subscribe to flavours and quality.
This Prelibox containes products worth at least 59 €, with free shipping.
In your Prelibox bag you are going to find products from italian selected farm holdings, all these suppliers have been chosen carefully by Prelibata and you can read everything about them in our website Prelibata.com.
Prelibox allows you to shop these local delicacies like you went to an italian artisan market or a farm, in person.
Every product has its own presentation card, where you can find information about its history, how to use it and how to preserve it, together with a gift from us….
We like surprising friends!
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