"Prelibata Stories" is born from the collaboration of Prelibata with Confartigianato, The Italian Community of Londonand Italian Food Blogger... read more
SHIPPING: We usually take a few days off for shipment, days that are needed to get you home fresh. In fact, the products of our artisans do not contain any preservatives.
Extra virgin oil 2014 obtained by the squeezing of the best lemons of Apulia and the blend of Leccino and Ogliarola olive varieties. Aroma: light fruity with vegetables aromas, especially of fresh lemons. Taste: delicate and well balanced with light spicy and bitter notes at first, to feel the lemon taste in the end. Combinations: ideal for fish, shellfish salads, white meat, meat carpaccio, breasola (sliced raw meat) and for cake baking. |